Property wrappers in Swift
In SwiftUI, the use of property wrappers such as @State is a very common practice. Let's take a look behind the scenes: How exactly do property wrappers work and how can you define them on your own?

Download the starter version of the example project PropertyWrapperExample.
Run the unit tests in the project via Product » Test ⌘U. These check if the property percentValue stays in the value range of 0...100 (if a value smaller than 0 is set, 0 should be used instead, etc.). These will fail because the implementation is missing:
Add a didSet block to ExampleModel and implement a check for the allowed range. Run the tests to check that the implementation works correctly.
struct ExampleModel { var percentValue = 5.0 { didSet { if self.percentValue < 0 { self.percentValue = 0 } else if self.percentValue > 100 { self.percentValue = 100 } } } }
With a property wrapper, this code can be extracted in a reusable form and be used for other properties.
Implement a struct and declare it as @propertyWrapper. Implement a property wrappedValue - access to the property will be delegated to this property. Move the didSet block to this property. Use the property wrapper in ExampleModel:
@propertyWrapper struct PercentValue { var wrappedValue: Float { didSet { if self.wrappedValue < 0 { self.wrappedValue = 0 } else if self.wrappedValue > 100 { self.wrappedValue = 100 } } } } struct ExampleModel { @PercentValue var percentValue: Float }
Access to a property that has been wrapped with a property wrapper (percentValue in the example) is delegated to the wrappedValue property in the property wrapper. The compiler will internally generate the following code to implement this:
struct ExampleModel { var _percentValue : PercentValue var percentValue : Float { get { _percentValue.wrappedValue } set { _percentValue.wrappedValue = newValue } } }
Additional tasks
The logic of the property wrapper can be shortened even a bit - implement the value check with the min/max functions and check this with the unit tests.
var wrappedValue: Float { didSet { self.wrappedValue = min(100, max(0, self.wrappedValue)) } }
Extend the property wrapper to support arbitrary ranges of values. Rename the property wrapper to Clamp. Add a property range : ClosedRange<Float> and generate an initializer with Refactor » Generate Memberwise initializer (note the order of arguments: first wrappedValue, then range). Use the properties lowerBound and upperBound of the range for the implementation.
@propertyWrapper struct Clamp { init(wrappedValue: Float, range: ClosedRange<Float>) { self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue self.range = range } var wrappedValue: Float { didSet { self.wrappedValue = min(100, max(0, self.wrappedValue)) } } let range: ClosedRange<Float> } struct ExampleModel { @Clamp(range: 0...100) var percentValue = 5.0 }
Replace the use of the Float type with a generic argument <Value : Comparable> to support arbitrary types (they just have to be comparable, i.e. conform to the Comparable protocol).
@propertyWrapper struct Clamp <Value: Comparable> { init(wrappedValue: Value, range: ClosedRange<Value>) { self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue self.range = range } var wrappedValue: Value { didSet { self.wrappedValue = min(range.upperBound, max(range.lowerBound, self.wrappedValue)) } } let range: ClosedRange<Value> } struct ExampleModel { @Clamp(0...100) var percentValue: Float = 0 @Clamp(0...100) var intValue: Int = 0 }
Since Swift 5.5 / Xcode 13 property wrappers can also be used for variables and arguments. Try this in a new unit test method and implement the property wrapper so that the value range is also enforced for the initially set value.
func testClampVariable() { @Clamp(range: 0 ... 10) var value = -1 XCTAssertEqual(0, value) value = 11 XCTAssertEqual(10, value) }
More information
Examples for property wrappers
ValidatedPropertyKit: Validate your Properties with Property WrappersValidatedPropertyKit provides a property wrapper @Validated for validation rules.
Burritos: A collection of Swift Property WrappersCollection of property wrappers, e.g.. @Trimmed, @Clamped, @AtomicWrite.
Swift Property Wrapper for LoggingExample of a property wrapper that logs all changes to a value on the console.
Projecting a Value From a Property WrapperA property wrapper can declare a property projectedValue - this is then accessed via $property.
Accessing a Swift property wrapper’s enclosing instanceVia keypaths, a property wrapper can access the object that contains it (this is used for @Published, which accesses the objectWillChange property).
Nested Property Wrappers in SwiftA fundamental, unsolved problem with property wrappers: Multiple property wrappers are difficult to use in combination (e.g. @Published and @Clamp together).